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Date of Wafat - 23rd Moharramul-Haram 795 H. (1392 A.D)

Syedi Hasanfeer (Q.R) was the first amongst Hudud Kiram (Q.R) who sacrificed his life for the sake of Islam and Da'wat. Syedi Hasanfeer (Q.R), an ascendant from the lineage of Maulaya Abdullah (Q.R), was appointed Wali of Hind by Syedna Abdullah Fakhruddin (R.A). He was the Wali of Hind after Maulaya Ali bin Ishaq Q.R.

 Al Dai Al Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin R.A praises his high stature and says that, when Syedi Abdul Qadir Hakimuddin Q.R was ill, He visited his shrine for the purpose of ziyaarat, and stated -


“O Naseem (breeze), give my salaam to the one who travelled to the house of peace and serenity, and by accepting Martyrdom, he earned greatness in heaven.


His name is Hasanfeer Q.R, he is the sea of benevolence, and son of Maulaya Ali QR. On his death all humans and jinn wept in grief and sorrow. The Earth quaked and in Hind, Sind and Yemen He was remembered.”


His service in strengthening the edifice of Da'wat during its nascent period in India was remarkable. He was the foremost mafsooh in India. He was a learned man and highly skilled and outstanding in the fields of zahir (exoteric), and baatin (esoteric) as well as astronomy, takseer and raml. He was frequently consulted by the Sultan of Patan for matters pertaining to various issues.


Earlier, the Sultan of Patan, Sultan Muzaffer Shah was left perplexed about the in-depth meaning of the Quranic verse that pronounced that - "One cannot enter Jannat unless a camel passed through the eye of a needle". Many a wise man had been consulted but none could satisfy the Sultan with their answers. Eventually, Syedi Hasanfeer (Q.R) was approached. He laid a condition that the Sultan exchange his cloths with his and stand infront of him while Syedi Hasanfeer (Q.R) occupy the Sultan's place on the throne. On acceptance and implementation of these conditions by the Sultan, Syedi Hasanfeer (Q.R) asserted that this submissive gesture of the Sultan in its self was the answer to the query. He further enunciated that likewise, if one abides by and follows the path shown by Wali-ul-Amar (person with spiritual authority) with total commitment, faith and devotion, then only would one enter Jannat (heaven). Pleased and sufficed by these answers, the Sultan presented Syedi Hasanfeer (Q.R) with the Jagir of Denmal.


Envied by his popularity and closeness with the Sultan, some ministers of the Sultan plotted Syedi Hasanfeer's (Q.R) execution. He was martyred soon after on 23rd Muharramul Haram 795 H at Denmal. Syedna Qasimkhan Zainuddin (R.A) is the first Dai from the progeny of Syedi Hasanfeer (Q.R). 


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