+91 78599 21787   mazarehasani@gmail.com



It is said that Syedi’s parrot, which accompanied him, flew and informed Mumineen the death of its master. They reached the spot and buried him in a field. The owner of the farm reached there with his men and became agitated and angry about the burial without his consent and decided to break the Qabar mubarak. One of them took a hammer in his hand and tried to break it but whenever he made an attempt the hammer remained suspended in the air. They realized that this was a man of great honor and nobility thus regretting for their attempted act and instead becoming his followers.

Hundreds of thousands of people have fulfilled their desires and found solace while visiting the Qabar Mubarak (grave) of Syedi Hasanfeer's (Q.R) over the centuries. Syedi Abdulqadir Hakimuddin (Q.R) frequently used to visit Denmal for Ziyarat (pay respects and homage) and even authored a Qasida (poetic verses) in praise of Syedi Hasanfeer (Q.R).

Al Dal Al Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin R.A. laid the foundation stone of his shrine on 13th of Safar Al Muzaffar 1338H and inaugurated it personally after seven years on the occasion of the Urus Mubarak of Syedi Abdul Qadir Hakimuddin Q.R. In the era of Al Dal Al Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin R.A. his son Al Dal Al Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin undertook the reconstruction (in marble) of the masjid which was first constructed in the era of Syedna Abdul Taiyyeb Zakiuddin R.A. After ascending the throne of Dawat Al Dal Al Ajal Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin (T.U.S.) first visited here in Jamadil Ukhra 1435H.


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